Evening Ritual Guide

Many of us have heard about the importance of having a morning routine but we rarely discuss the importance of establishing an evening ritual. We tend to push our personal needs aside and fall into the cycle of consuming the news, endlessly scrolling on social media and watching tv. Studies have shown that sleep hygiene is necessary to help us rest and prepare for a productive tomorrow. How do we ensure that we’re setting ourselves up for success?

Think of your evening routine as an act of self love. Listen to your body and play with different ideas to see what works best for you. The main goal is to turn off our working brains and decompress to allow for deep, restorative sleep. So dim your lights, put on your favorite sweatshirt and start brewing a pot of our ‘Evening Ritual Blend’.

Evening Reflections

What did you love about your day and why?

Did you face any problems or struggles?

What have you done today to get closer to your goals?

Is there something you can celebrate?

Think of different ways you like to relax in the evening. We like to take an extra-long bubble bath (add some lavender oil for bonus points), eating some delicious dark chocolate or playing our favorite song while having a dance party in our underwear. So close your computer, take out your journal and fill your tea kettle, it's time to celebrate you!

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